Mabini's inspiration
Apolinario Mabini, whose Masonic name was Katabay was General Emilio Aguinaldo's chief adviser during the renewal of the revolution (1898) and considered the Brains of the Revolution. After the declaration of independence in Kawit, Cavite, he printed a pamphlet containing the Constitutional Program of the Philippine Republic and his True Decalogue; which according to him was in order for the people "to understand that reason and (your) conscience constitute the only solid and true basis of (your) moral education, in the same way that honest work is the real basis for (your) material education." (Palma, 1941, 41). It is believed that Mabini's revolutionary philosophy was greatly inspired by Masonry and "Codigo Moral Masonica" which guided Latin Masonry and Filipino Masons of the period. (Iglpi Journal No. 3 issue). His constitutional plan however, was set aside by the Malolos Congress of September 1898 and instead adopted the draft constitution of Felipe Calderon.
Masonic Moral Code
- Worship the Great Architect of the Universe.
- The true worship of the Great Architect consists mainly of good works.
- Always keep your soul in a pure state, to make it worthy before your conscience.
- Love your neighbor as yourself.
- Do not do wrong if you wish to expect goodness.
- Do good out of love of goodness itself.
- Value the good, love the weak, avoid the evil but do not hate anyone.
- Recognize the achievements of your brethren but do not use flattery when praising them. Accept recognition with modesty and consider them as motivator of good.
- Always listen to the voice of your conscience.
- Be a father to the poor; every sigh of grief brought about by your callosity expels many grave curses that will fall upon your head.
- Practice charity.
- Respect the traveler, native or foreigner; help him: his personal being is sacred to you.
- Avoid quarrels, be forewarned of insults, let reason be your guide.
- Share your bread with the hungry and invite the poor wanderers into your house. When you see the naked, cover his body and do not belittle your flesh in his.
- Do not be swift to anger, for anger rests in the bosom of the fool.
- Abhor greed but manage your material goods with care, so that you yourself can grow old in comfort, your family protected and your unfortunate brethren benefited. Those who amass wealth that bears no fruitful benefits; this is also vanity.
- Escape from the impious for their houses will be destroyed; but the stores of the right shall flourish.
- Follow the path of honor and justice for life is in them; while a misleading path leads to death.
- In the heart of the wise is where virtues are practiced and in the heart of the ignorant is where vanity feasts.
- Respect women; do not abuse their weakness, much less think of destroying their honor.
Codigo Moral Masonico
Original Spanish version
- Venera al Gran Arquitecto del Universo.
- El verdadero culto que se da al Gran Arquitecto consiste principalmente en las buenas obras.
- Ten siempre tu alma en un estado puro, para aparecer dignamente delante de tu conciencia.
- Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.
- No hagas mal para esperar bien.
- Haz bien por amor al mismo bien.
- Estima a los buenos, ama a los débiles, huye de los malos, pero no odies a nadie.
- No lisonjees exageradamente a tu hermano pero reconoce sus aciertos. Acepta su reconocimiento con modestia, como un aliciente.
- Escucha siempre la voz de tu conciencia.
- Sé el padre de los pobres; cada suspiro que tu dureza les arranque son otras tantas maldiciones que caerán sobre tu cabeza.
- Practica la caridad.
- Respeta al viajero nacional o extranjero; ayúdale: su persona es sagrada para ti.
- Evita las querellas, prevé los insultos, deja que la razón sea tu guía.
- Parte con el hambriento tu pan y a los pobres peregrinos mételos en tu casa. Cuando vieses al desnudo, cúbrelo y no desprecies tu carne en la suya.
- No seas ligero en airarte, porque la ira reposa en el seno del necio.
- Detesta la avaricia, pero administra tus bienes materiales con cuidado, para que a tu vejez sustenten tus necesidades, protejan a tu familia y beneficien a tus Hermanos en desgracia. Quien amasa riquezas ninguna fruta sacara de ellas y esto también es vanidad.
- Huye de los impíos, porque su casa será arrasada: mas las tiendas de los justos florecerán.
- Sigue la senda del honor y de la justicia. En la senda del honor y de la justicia esta la vida; mas el camino extraviado conduce a la muerte.
- El corazón de los sabios está donde se practica la virtud y el corazón de los necios donde se festeja la vanidad.
- Respeta a las mujeres, no abuses jamás de su debilidad y mucho menos pienses en difamarlas.